Liquidity Rewards
Liquidity incentives are distributed in traunches. As of this writing, traunch two is available here: .
Liquidity providers earn Prestige ($PTG) by providing liquidity to the protocol. Unlike other token farms the $PTG bootstrap operates a little differently: there is no need to buy $PTG (in Traunch One).
The name of the contract and app providing the PTG is Fonticulus.
$PTG liquidity is provided as a pair trading on QuickSwap (The polygon equivalent of Uniswap). You provide the $MATIC side of the pair and fonticulus will give you the $PTG side for the pool. Fonticulus requires you lock your LP token for 90 days.
participant Alice
participant Fonticulus
participant QuickSwap
Alice->>Fonticulus: Sends 10 $MATIC
Fonticulus-->>QuickSwap: What's the price of PTG?
QuickSwap-->>Fonticulus: 60 PTG per MATIC
Fonticulus->>QuickSwap: swap 1 $MATIC for 60 PTG
Fonticulus->>QuickSwap: addLiquidity(9 MATIC, 540 PTG) - 480 PTG supplied as a reward.
QuickSwap->>Fonticulus: sends 9 LP tokens
Note over QuickSwap,Fonticulus: Fonticulus holds the LP tokens
Fonticulus->>Alice: NFT good for 9 LP token (redeemable in 90 days)
In 90 days, Alice may redeem the Fonticulus NFT for the QuickSwap LP tokens.
Contracts- Fonticulus: 0xBa1428c302cE818865beb857FaF7Ab513C1e3a40
- FonticulusTraunchOne (complete): 0xBd36b7036E4Bd36EAeaB2c05a2faBb7630DBAbB9
- QuickSwap pair: 0xEc78d09aFBee1Ee3a8D3446aD0D5600d62C21eB3
- Wrapped $PTG (erc20): 0xc0f14c88250e680ecd70224b7fba82b7c6560d12
- Assets (erc-1155): 0xaeF876EE95d0fEEAF5A5DeDd4531cBA074519BEb
Traunch Two- 10mm PTG available
- $MATIC/$PTG Pair
- 90 day lockup from time of deposit
- 80% $PTG provided (10% of send used to purchase PTG)
Traunch One (filled)- 10mm PTG available
- $MATIC/$PTG Pair
- Initial price of 60 $PTG per $MATIC
- 90 day lockup from time of deposit
- 100% $PTG provided